Are College Visits Necessary?

'Tis the season for college visits! Parents, students and high schools across the country are planning or pondering weekend and/or week-long school holiday college trips. Some plan to traverse the country, others plan to stay in one region while others contemplate traveling their states' highways to visit schools within driving range. Hundreds of thousands of students are looking for that "gut feel".

Should you be doing the same? 

Absolutely! However, not everyone can afford the expense or the time off to take a "college tour" and some younger siblings of current college students or recent grads may already have their sights set on their dream colleges. 

But, all students should visit some colleges before submitting any applications. Students should see a range of options to get an idea of what kind of school suits them best. They should see both big and small schools, state and private, rural, suburban and urban, liberal arts and specialized. Many students are lucky enough to be able to visit the specific colleges that interest them most; that's ideal, but not practical for all. If you can't travel far, use local colleges and universities as representatives for the schools you might consider.

Register for a tour at every school you visit to demonstrate interest. If the tours are full, download and use the schools' tour app, but be sure to stop by the Admissions office and sign in. Some schools offer housing tours which will give you a peek into dorm life and an idea of what a "forced triple" looks like (very cozy). After or before your tour, check out key sites on the campus that give you a feel for the place and its student body: dining commons, libraries, student centers, quads, gyms. If you know which major you want to pursue, stop by that office and say hello. Finally, jot down your impressions after each visit before they all blur together using the same criteria for each, or pros and cons.

Have fun!