High school seniors and parents survive the college application process only to be hit with an onslaught of questions. I assure you that these questions come from friends, family, neighbors and relative strangers and amount to intense scrutiny. Most people mean well. They are curious and truly want to know. But, they do not realize how the questions can make already stressed-out students feel:
- "What's your top choice school?"
- "What was your SAT/ACT score?"
- "What's your major?"
- "Did you apply to XYZ school? It's the best!"
- "You know liberal arts majors are not the ones getting the good jobs, right?"
You, students and parents, do not have to answer these intensely personal and loaded questions. No, you really don't! Develop a few different responses and have them ready to roll out at any time. No need to be rude, either. I like:
- "I am not thinking about college today. I am here to enjoy the party/dance/whatever."
- "Thanks for asking, but I would rather talk about something else for a change."
- "I would love to hear about where you went to school and what you liked about your experience there."
- "Actually, liberal arts majors are getting hired and also get into to a wide range of graduate programs."
There will always be the extremely nosy ones who won't back down. For those, just change the subject and if you must, excuse yourself and go have a good time!