There's no time like the present. This adage was first recorded in 1562 and it remains true. John Trusler, a compiler of proverbs, noted: “No time like the present, a thousand unforeseen circumstances may interrupt you at a future time” (Proverbs Exemplified, 1790). The disciplined Ben Franklin said it most eloquently, "Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”
For college applicants who are watching their application deadlines draw ever closer, this is especially true. Waiting for the motivation from sheer panic is unlikely to produce anyone's finest work.
So, take advantage of a free hour, half-hour or afternoon and work on finishing those essays and applications. If you have several supplemental essays to write, tackle one per time slot, write a draft, move on to the next item, then return and review that draft with a fresh pair of eyes and a full night’s sleep. If some of your applications do not require supplemental writing, turn them in now. There is no need to wait until the last minute to turn something in if it's ready to go.
Make a list of the items you need to do and work your way through that list. Turns things in as you complete them. Each completed supplement, portfolio or application will relieve stress and make the process feel much more manageable.
Rest, holiday meals, time with friends and family are important. Students shouldn't be shut away in their rooms while everyone else in having a good time, so don't let that happen to you. Getting things done whenever you can will enable you to enjoy your holidays as well as study for your first semester finals. You need to plan your time so you’re able to study for those finals because 1st semester grades matter.